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- /*
- TestAssign.c
- This is significantly more complicated than it needs to be. The fancy stuff
- is merely to put Assign.c through its paces. In particular, if the array a[]
- didn't change dimensions from block to block in testAssign1 then we could
- read the whole file by a single call to ReadAssignmentFile, instead of
- opening the file and making repeated calls to ReadAssignmentBlock, etc.
- For a good example of the use of Assign, see ReadLuminanceRecord.c.
- 8/93 dgp created this new version, which cobbles together several older versions.
- 8/12/93 dgp updated to work with new Assign.c
- 9/8/93 dgp call Require() and use new AllocateDescriptions.
- 9/5/94 dgp removed assumption in printf's that int==short.
- 11/8/95 dgp tracked down and fixed bug in Assign.c, the Description was being corrupted
- by freeing an unallocated variable. The fix is marked by "11/18/95".
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- #if MAC_C
- #include "Luminance.h"
- #endif
- void moreTests(void);
- void main(void);
- typedef struct {
- double *a,logC,viewingDistance;
- long trials;
- char *message;
- unsigned char *m;
- } Psychophysics;
- Description *DescribePsychophysics(Psychophysics *p);
- Description *DescribePsychophysics(Psychophysics *p)
- {
- Description *d;
- int i;
- d=AllocateDescriptions(10);
- i=0;
- d[i++]=Describe(stringType,&p->message,"message",NULL);
- d[i++]=Describe(unsignedCharPtrType,&p->m,"m",NULL);
- d[i++]=Describe(doublePtrType,&p->a,"a",NULL);
- d[i++]=Describe(shortType,&p->trials,"trials",NULL);
- d[i++]=Describe(doubleType,&p->viewingDistance,"viewingDistance",NULL);
- d[i++]=Describe(doubleType,&p->logC,"logC",NULL);
- assert(i<=10); /* make sure array was big enough */
- d[i++]=NullDescription(); /* mark end of array */
- return d;
- }
- void main(void)
- {
- Description *d;
- static Psychophysics psychophysics,*p;
- short i,j,flags=assignReportUnknown;//assignEchoFile | assignEchoAssignments;
- FILE *stream;
- char filename[]="testAssign1";
- StackGrow(20000);
- Require(0);
- #if MAC_C
- MaximizeConsoleHeight();
- #endif
- p=&psychophysics;
- d=DescribePsychophysics(p);
- InitializeDescribedVars(d,flags);
- stream=fopen(filename,"r");
- do{
- printf("\n/******** New block ********/\n");
- // i=ReadAssignmentLine(stream,d,flags);
- ReadAssignmentBlock(stream,d,flags);
- /* a real program would do something useful here with the data in p */
- /* instead we fool around with print statements */
- PrintAssignments(stdout,d,flags);
- printf("Now dimensioned as a");
- for(i=0;;i++){
- j=FindDescribedDim(d,&p->a,i,flags);
- if(j<=0)break;
- printf("[%d]",(int)j);
- }
- printf(".\n");
- FreeDescribedPtrVars(d,flags);
- } while(!feof(stream));
- fclose(stream);
- FreeDescribedVars(d,flags);
- FreeDescriptions(d);
- if(0)moreTests();
- }
- void moreTests(void)
- {
- static double logC,maskLogC,viewingDistance,*a,conditionLogC[4],conditionMaskLogC[4];
- short trials,i,flags;
- static char *kindOfTrial,*message,image[1000];
- unsigned char *m;
- Description *d;
- FILE *stream;
- static char filename[]="testAssign2";
- int error;
- static double b[2][2],c[1][2][3];
- flags=assignReportUnknown;
- printf("\n\n\nMore tests.\n");
- #ifdef _LUMINANCE_
- if(1){
- static LuminanceRecord LR;
- // Test ReadLuminanceRecord.c
- if(PREFERENCES_FOLDER)error=OpenPreferencesFolder();
- i=ReadLuminanceRecord("LuminanceRecord1.h",&LR,flags);
- if(PREFERENCES_FOLDER)error=ClosePreferencesFolder();
- if(i<=0)PrintfExit("Couldn't read LuminanceRecord, error %d.\n",(int)i);
- i=WriteLuminanceRecord("LR.h",&LR,flags);
- if(i<=0)PrintfExit("Couldn't write/verify LuminanceRecord, error %d.\n",(int)i);
- printf("ReadLuminanceRecord.c seems to work fine. Created LR.h\n\n");
- }
- #endif
- #if 1
- /* parse testAssign2 */
- d=AllocateDescriptions(14);
- i=0;
- d[i++]=Describe(doublePtrType,&a,"a","array");
- d[i++]=Describe(unsignedCharPtrType,&m,"m","chars");
- d[i++]=DescribeArray(charType,&image,"image","Image data",100L,0L);
- d[i++]=Describe(stringType,&message,"message",NULL);
- d[i++]=Describe(doubleType,&logC,"logC","log contrast");
- d[i++]=Describe(doubleType,&maskLogC,"maskLogC",NULL);
- d[i++]=Describe(stringType,&kindOfTrial,"kindOfTrial",NULL);
- d[i++]=Describe(doubleType,&viewingDistance,"viewingDistance","inches");
- d[i++]=Describe(shortType,&trials,"trials",NULL);
- d[i++]=DescribeArray(doubleType,&b,"b",NULL,2L,2L,0L);
- d[i++]=DescribeArray(doubleType,&c,"c",NULL,1L,2L,3L,0L);
- assert(i<=14); /* make sure array was big enough */
- d[i++]=NullDescription(); /* mark end of array */
- InitializeDescribedVars(d,0);
- stream=fopen(filename,"r");
- ReadAssignmentLine(stream,d
- ,assignHexFloats|assignReportUnknown|assignEchoAssignments);
- FreeDescribedVars(d,0);
- fclose(stream);
- ReadAssignmentFile(filename,d,assignHexFloats|assignReportUnknown);
- PrintAssignments(stdout,d,0);
- FreeDescriptions(d);
- #endif
- }